Dear Guests, on behalf of the entire membership, the Governing Council,
the Secretariat of the Rwanda Bar Association (RBA) and my own behalf,
I have the pleasure to welcome you to the Rwanda Bar Association website.
This website provides access to a range of information in relation to the Bar Association
structure and Activities. We trust that you will find information
contained on this website useful.
President of Rwanda Bar Association
The Rwanda Bar Association provide services to its membership including Training Programmes for Advocates; CAPA (Certificat d’Aptitude a la Profession d’Avocat) Certification; Medical Insurance for RBA members and their dependants; Providing Towhom it may concern document / Recommendation letter;Issuing Advocate Cards.
Foreigners may also be allowed to practice the Advocates’ profession on condition of reciprocity or in accordance with international agreements to which Rwanda is a party